Become our Corporate Partner

As a corporate partner, you can contribute to the School based English language programme. With your partnership you help us provide the underprivileged children with our MiKids programme that will provide the children English language skills for a better future.

We believe that by supporting our programmes, you can make a difference in the lives of these children. We are proud of what we do and how we do it, and we know you will be delighted at how your contributions are being used and feel the joy of knowing that you are helping in improving underprivileged children's futures and contributing to their growth!

Your help can ensure that these children receive the right developmental support they need. As a result of this -

  • You will be able to see how your donations are being used and feel good about it.
  • You can experience the joy that comes from knowing that what you're doing is helping better children's future.
  • Donations are eligible for tax exemption under Section 80G.

For Partnerships, Please Contact:

+91 97890 64771