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Enabling the underprivileged children

For a better world, empowering the next generation with our programmes

At SIP Foundation, we believe that all children deserve the right to education and skill development. We believe that economic factors should not restrict the chances of children from certain segments of society to have the opportunity to acquire knowledge and skill that will empower them to pursue a better future. We believe that by giving access to underprivileged children to our courses, we empower young children with essential mental skills, with which they will be able to face whatever challenges are thrown at them. They will have the equal opportunity and ability that they need to succeed in life, regardless of their childhood environment.

“Our aim is to build our children for the future - develop skills in children that equip them to be ready and excited to pursue their dreams and passion”

- Dinesh Victor, Founder & Managing Director

We Enhance

We are committed to enhancing the mental potential of underprivileged children through our various programs.

We Develop

We help children develop their mental potential by teaching them those skills that will be helpful in their life.

We Create

We create self confidence in these children so that they can thrive and grow to
their full potential.

Our Education Initiatives

School-based English language programme for the underprivileged

Through the English language programme MiKids, children from underprivileged sections are supported by teaching them the importance of English language skills and providing them with the ability to get a strong command over the English language.

SIP Samatva – SIP Abacus programme for the underprivileged

The CSR project of Samatva, provides SIP Abacus programme to underprivileged children at a fee concession of 75%. The programme is implemented in SIP Abacus centres across India.

SIP Academy – Our Programmes

students upskilled
trained course instructors
schools associated

Support the children in need

As a corporate, you can partner with SIP Foundation to support the initiative to provide underprivileged children access to the School-based English language programme.